Join me for Sound Sanctuary + Embracing New Beginnings
April 27 9-10a Ayurvedic Wellness Center Kalamazoo, Michigan
The Gathering Place
For some time now, I have felt pretty alone.
​Alone in this work of mine, on that island everyone talks about. Moving along, all on my own, curiously pondering what everyone else on all those other islands were doing.
​I started daydreaming about creating a space to gather, to talk about dreams and goals for our work or our personal lives. To have time to inspire one another while carving out time for focused work.
I wanted to create that space.
Then, in November, while I was in Portland, a friend of mine, Rosemary Brenson (founder of Department of Community), was having an open house for her new office space and it was a house! A small house with a long table, several chairs and a fireplace. It didn’t feel like an office but a home and once a week, she gathered women to share space, to discuss work ideas and find to inspiration.
​I immediately knew I wanted that.
I want that.
​I want that for me and for you and for us.
I want to help build a small community of amazing and brilliant women who help inspire and nudge each other just enough that we are able to see past the fears, the doubts and the how’s. All those things that stop us in our tracks, that make us want to drop what we are doing, turn around and run home.
​I want to gather so we have gentle reminders of how brave and courageous we are and to gather so we have a place to go to that reminds us that we have a fan club.
​Everyone deserves reminders that they have a fan club.
​So I am doing this thing...
The Gathering Place
A series of five Monday gatherings beginning
January 13-February 10, 2025
Please note: Once a series ends, another begins the following week. There are no summer gatherings. If you are interested in participating in the upcoming series, follow the link at the bottom of this page.
at the extra long dining room table at
Kara Markovich’s home
Kalamazoo, 49008
There will be inspiring prompts, discussion, contemplation and
chai tea provided.
Come to gather, connect, inspire + create
$150 for all five sessions
Final session will include a Group Sound Immersion
(limited to 7 spaces- no refunds as space is limited)
Register by using the link below.